I've never had a huge amount of blackheads but I am a fan of eliminating unwanted pores. I love Benefit's Porefessional primer for doing just that (albeit temporarily) but after trying a few skincase products that claim to reduce pores to no avail, I decided it was time to find something that really works.
The My Scheming mask had been brought to my attention a couple of times through trawling the internet and I'd only read good things about it so after doing a little more research, I decided to give it a go myself.
The kit comes with a three-step guide and the whole process takes about an hour to do, although for three quarters of that, you can sit back and watch Netflix whilst the products do all of the work. I'd that you have to follow the instructions provided to a T so below is how the routine went.
I started by steaming my face with a hot cloth to open the pores and make it easier to extract the blackheads. I then applied step one, the softener. I massaged it into my skin for a couple of minutes and left it to sink in for a further two. I then washed it off with a damp cloth but didn't dry the skin afterwards.
My skin was then prepped for step two, the charcoal mask. I applied a generous amount of the mask to the areas of my face that I had prepared. I left it to dry which took about 45 minutes (it took that long because I had applied quite a thick layer). As this mask is one that you apply yourself, rather than a ready-cut strip, you can fully cover all the areas of your face that require attention. As the mask dried, I could see the pores/blackheads through it. After it was completely dry, it was time to peel it off. It's important that you peel it off from the bottom upwards because it means that it's more likely to come off in one go, rather than parts being missed and leading to you having to pick off little bits at a time.
Once I had made sure that my skin was completely charcoal-free, I applied step three, which helps to refine the pores and reduce their size. This product works by preventing the build up of oil and dirt in your pores.
The verdict? I've never been so excited about a mask before! I don't know whether it's because the results are so visual or because it's so easy but it truly works wonders.
Have any of you tried this mark and if so, is it your favourite too?
Hayley x
Hayley x