I was recently nominated for the Liebster award which is a great way of discovering new blogs and I thought it was a really nice idea so here it is! I was nominated by Jade - check out her blog here.
11 facts about me:
1. I adore London.
2. I am a peanut butter fiend!
3. I am extremely indecisive.
4. I got to grade 7 on the saxophone.
5. I am terrified of horror films.
6. I am always cold.
7. I passed my driving test when I was 18 and haven't driven since! (I'm 22)
8. I love baking.
9. I can't stand rude people/people with no manners!
10. I eat chocolate every day.
11. I love vanilla and cinnamon (the scents, to eat, everything!)
The questions that Jade asked me:
1. Heels or flats?
Flats everytime! I feel so much for comfortable and myself in a pair of flats - the furthest I go is the chunky heel on my vagabond boots.
2. Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
I don't have any tattoos but I have several ear piercings; two in each lobe, rook, tragus and the one on the top of my ear which I don't know the name for!
3. If you were only allowed to use five products for the rest of you life, what would you use?
4. What's your favourite season?
Autumn because I love layering my clothes for the colder weather and I love the countdown to Christmas (I start early).
5. Who is your style inspiration?
6. If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
7. Who is your favourite music artist or band?
8. Who is your favourite youtuber?
I can't narrow it down to one but my top five are:
9. Why did you start blogging?
Throughout studying for my English degree I read many blogs and after completing my degree I felt that it was the perfect time to start my own blog as I can write about things I am truly interested whilst having an outlet for my creativity and writing.
10. Do you speak any languages other than English?
I got a B in GCSE French but I'm afraid that's about it!
Questions for my nominees:
1. What is your favourite country that you have visited?
2. What is your favourite item of clothing in your wardrobe?
3. What is your favourite television series?
4. Which make up product do you use everyday?
5. What is your favourite make up or skincare brand?
6. What is your favourite film?
7. What is your favourite lipstick?
8. Where is your favourite town in England?
9. What is your favourite meal?
10. Who is your favourite blogger?
I tag:
The Rules:
1. Acknowledge the person who nominated you and link their blog in your post.
2. Display a picture of the Liebster award in your post.
3. Answer the 11 questions given to you by the personwho nominated you.
4. Provide 11 random facts about you.
5. Nominate 5-11 blogs who have less than 200 followers - this is to help out other new bloggers trying to get out there!
6. Make up your own 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer.
7. List the rules in your post so they know what the Liebster award is about.
8. Don't forget to let the people you nominated know that they've been nominated and send them a link to your blog so they can get the information.
I hope that this post enabled you to get to know me a little better and that you will take part in this if you were tagged!
Hope you're having a great week :)
Love Hayley xx